Ukraine in Avanhard

Art Ukraine Gallery presents a book by Dmytro Horbachov and Valentyn Sokolovskyi, which is already being called the ‘Bible of Ukrainian Art’


Ukraine belongs to a small group of countries where all the world’s major trends – antiquity, Gothic, Renaissance, Baroque, Rococo, classicism, romanticism, Art Nouveau, and various trends of modernism – have found their place in the art of the world.

And each trend is marked by a world-class artist, or even more than one. The art of Rus is represented by icons of Alimpiy Pecherskyi, Gothic – by frescoes of Andriy Rusyn, Renaissance – by miniatures of Andriychyna Mnohohrishnyi, Baroque – by sculptures of Johann Pinsel, Rococo – by paintings of Alimpiy Halyk, portraits of Dmytro Levytskyi and Volodymyr Borovykovskyi…

The world is already aware that the emergence of such legislators of world art as Malevich, Arkhipenko, Exter, Bohomazov, Murashko, Manevich, Tatlin, Maksymovych, Petrytskyi, Kandinsky, Burliuk, Yermilov from the Ukrainian steppe in the twentieth century cannot be a coincidence. Nor can it be explained by the quirkiness of historical development. There is a centuries-old, if not several thousand-year tradition behind it.

This tradition is continued today by the descendants of Ukrainian masters in their best works of contemporary art.

We invite you to the presentation of the publication on 20 March at 5 pm.

Among the guests of the event are contemporary eminent artists – Viktor Sydorenko, Anatolii Kryvolap, Oleh Tistol. The meeting was moderated by Natalia Zabolotna, curator and co-owner of Art Ukraine Gallery.

About the gallery:

ART UKRAINE GALLERY has become the largest contemporary art gallery in Ukraine. It was opened in the format of the first charity gallery in April 2023, on the initiative and under the curatorship of Natalia Zabolotna, a well-known cultural figure, President of the Humanitarian Development Foundation of Ukraine, together with Lyudmyla Pyshna, a public figure, co-founder and head of the NGO Vidchui.

In the year since the gallery opened, the gallery has raised UAH 3,500,000 through charity auctions. These funds were used to purchase and donate three rooms for the largest children’s hospital in the country, the National Children’s Hospital ‘Okhmatdyt’: a hearing diagnostics room, an ENT room and a post-surgical rehabilitation room. UAH 700,000 was also spent on purchasing several hundred protective headphones and filters for our military to help them preserve their hearing during the fighting.

Our Art Ukraine Gallery is open 7 days a week, from 11 to 19!
Domosfera shopping centre, 101 Stolichne Shosse, 3rd floor

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